n the words of world-renowned French designer Philippe Starck, “A designer has a duty to create timeless design.” This belief is shared by Maison Berger Paris, making their collaboration on this collection a natural union. When dreaming up the shape of the Starck Grey Lamp, Starck, whose work can be found in many leading museums around the world, was inspired by the glass vessels used in laboratories. Refined, understated lines are highlighted by the muted grey hue of the transparent glass, offset by a silvery metal cap with an intricate pattern inspired by the microscopic world. The accompanying Peau de Pierre home fragrance is Maison Berger’s reinterpretation of Starck’s popular perfume. Through the genius of chemistry, floral, spicy, and woody notes meld into an intoxicating elixir. The Peau de Pierre fragrance diffuser invites you to celebrate the synthesis of opposites.
The Lampe Berger has a unique and patented diffusion system that helps eradicate undesirable odors and bacteria while also diffusing your favorite fragrance. Purify your air the French way.
Lamp sold in a gift set with accessories: wick-burner, Starck silver diffuser cap, stopper, funnel + 250 ml Peau de Pierre home fragrance.
Item #314739